CETA (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement) is a new trade agreement between EU and Canada, regulating conditions for free trade and respecting copyright. CETA is the biggest Canadian initiative in area of bilateral agreements from NAFTA. Thanks to CETA, EU is for Canada the second most important business partner.
CETA’s main aim is to boost bilateral trade relationship and to open new and better trade opportunities for EU companies.
Eliminating majority of customs and charges CETA significantly opens market with agricultural products, accepting defined standards in automotive from Canada, bilateral certification and country of origin acceptation, or possibility to take part in public tenders.
New era of trade bilateral relationship started on 21 September 2017 when CETA entered into force provisionally. CETA is one of the most extensive contracts concluded by EU.
The law firm Kubík Partners advokátní kancelář helps its European and Canadian clients to enjoy all CETA benefits.

Part of accompanying entrepreneurial delegation during Czech Foreign Minister’s visit in Canada, Montreal, March 2017, from left: Jan Chmelík (director, CzechInvest office, New York), Marek Svoboda (director, Economic Diplomacy Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic), Sabina Tančevová (International Relationship Manager, Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic), Tomáš Kubík (Attorney-at-law, KPAK), Lenka Fořtová (Ministry of Industry and Trade, America Department, EU and foreign trade Section).